Although Paypal is an option below, Quickpay(Zelle) or bringing cash or check to the Secretary are preferred.
Dues $180
**QuickPay(Zelle) us at**
Donations - Any amount/reason
Building Fund
Make a donation to the Oriental Building Fund
**QuickPay(Zelle) us at**
Charity Fund
Make a donation to the Oriental Charity Fund
**QuickPay(Zelle) us at**
Fees, Meals, and Other Payments.
Member dues are $160
12 pre-paid meal cards are $180 and they do not expire
A single meal is $20
These fees are payable before each degree is conferred.
Entered Apprentice Degree: $300 {due with petition}
Fellow Craft Degree: $150
Master Mason Degree: $150
Affiliation and Plural membership application fee is 200% of annual dues
Preferred Payment method...QuickPay(Zelle) us at